26-30 London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO8 8DL

Accountable GP

As per the General Medical Services contract, all Practices are required that for each of its registered patients (including those patients under the age of 16) there is assigned an accountable GP (named GP).

A named GP will not take on 24-hour responsibility for a patient, nor will they be the only GP or clinician who will provide care to a patient.

Patients are not required to see their named GP when they book an appointment with the Practice and are entitled to choose to see any GP or clinician within the Practice. When requesting an appointment online or by telephone you may specify a preferred clinician by name or gender.

The Practice will always endeavour to meet any request where possible; this may not be possible where:

  • The clinician you have specified (whether by name or gender) is unavailable based on staff availability.
  • You have requested a clinician for a symptom or problem that is outside of their scope of training and qualification and is more appropriate to be dealt with by an alternative clinician.
  • The triage GP has indicated a timeframe that you should be seen within based on the urgency of your request, and the clinician you have specified is unavailable within this timeframe.


Date published: 9th September, 2015
Date last updated: 4th December, 2024