26-30 London Road, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO8 8DL

Data Sharing

The NHS uses information about patients (patient data) to research, plan and improve the services we offer, and the treatment and care patients receive.

This data is collection from GP Practices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers by NHS Digital. This data is shared with researchers from organisations such as universities or hospitals.

All data that is collected and shared is protected by strict rules around privacy, confidentiality and security.

To stop your GP Practice from sharing your data, please download a type 1 opt-out form and return your completed copy to the Practice.

  • If you choose to complete the type 1 opt-out form, the Practice will not share your data. However, NHS Digital will still be able to collect and share data from other healthcare providers.

To stop NHS Digital and other healthcare organisations from sharing your data, you can register your preference to opt-out of national data collection here. You may choose to opt-in again at a later date.

For more information on data sharing within the NHS, please visit the NHS UK website.

Date published: 11th August, 2021
Date last updated: 9th March, 2024